Security Sector Reform Books
I have written two books about the management of the security sector, both of them published by the Institute for Security Studies, in Pretoria. Each of them came partly out of my experience
of working in South Africa and the SADC region, but they also drew heavily on my professional and academic experiences elsewhere in the world, especially in Asia. You can download the texts in
PDF format by clicking on the links below or on the photos. You can also get them from the ISS site.

Defence Transformation: A Short Guide to the Issues was published in 2000. The original manuscript had to be cut down to fit into the ISS monograph series, and so some things had to be left out,
but it was nonetheless a gratifying success, and many thousands of copies are in use all over the world. I am still meeting people from different countries who use it in their staff colleges
and institutes.
In 2008, ISS asked me to produce a new book, rather than just an update. In any case, I had changed my mind a bit about a few things, and had profited from various other experiences.
The result was Governing and Managing the Defence Sector published in 2011. This book has much more to say about the security sector as a whole, and defence's position in it.